You have no enemies, that’s the mindset, that’s the lifestyle

I’m sure glad you woke up this morning, I appreciate you. I know you may feel under appreciated, but just know, I appreciate you

You have no enemies. Anyone or anything that can make you mad has power over you. Give that power to no one or nothing. Let me tell you something real quick “The first to apologize is the bravest. The first to forgive is the strongest. The first to forget is the happiest. Forgive others not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace.” Wake up every day with a good mindset, knowing you have no enemies by simply saying, “I have no enemies..”

On the topic of waking up every day, you need to be grateful and humble. Not everyone makes it to the next day, and you made it. That is something to be grateful for, no matter how many times you feel you messed up, God gives you another day to do better. Tomorrow is never promised, be grateful and thankful. Start your mornings by saying this, “Today's gonna be a great day today. I expect something really good to happen for me today, thank you Lord for waking me up this morning, I can’t wait to go to work today. It may not be the job I want, but at least I got a job. I'm so grateful I got a car to drive to work today, at least I got a check coming in. I wanna thank you Lord for this roof over my head today, I appreciate the fact that I don't have a car, but at least I have legs to walk to the bus. This is going to be a great day today. Thank you for loving me God and giving me another day to start over. Amen.“ this not only shows gratitude but motivates you to keep going, there’s something great in you, and if you feel like the devil just keeps trying to mess with you, remember this: a robber never breaks into an empty house. Meaning the devil knows there’s something great in you, and he’s trying to take it from you. Don’t give him that power over you to anger you, or block you from your blessings. Be grateful & humble, you are exactly where you are supposed to be.

On the topic of feelings down, remember to always keep your head up. I have this rule, if you have an issue, you can moan and grown about it for 5 MINUTES and that’s it. Drop it after that. Don’t keep that negativity inside of you, it messes with your mental, physical, and spirit. If you still going on after those 5 minutes, you need to pull yourself together, because you’re in the process. God is processing you. He ain't through with you, if he was through with you, you wouldn't wake up in the morning. He's going to fix it. Why are you tripping? Look back at all you went through, and you got through it, right? You have built up enough reservoir to teach you that this isn't it. So the things you're going through, you should know this isn't it. God's gonna come get you in a minute, so all you have to do is sit tight. You ain't in a bad place, now, you might not be where you want to be, but the spot you're in is better than where you were… Remember that. Don’t be like “Why me?” Change your mindset to “Why not me, I’m built for this.”

I say this because I want you to know, that you can be happier. Life is about experiences, good or bad, it’s about having the experience to go through it and make it out. No one knows all you have been through, but I do know if you don’t enjoy the life you have, you could lose it and have nothing but regrets left behind. Every day you need to sit and congratulate yourself for making it through the day, and hopefully accomplishing something, and even if you didn’t it’s okay, because you have a whole other day to try again. People tend to miss out on life because they are stuck in the past, worrying about things they cannot change. Or worrying too much about things that haven’t happened yet, you need to live in the present and enjoy the moment. You may never have another moment like this. “The past is history, the future is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present” Don’t stress about things that are out of your control, you have no enemies, please enjoy your life & yourself. Always pick self-improvement over harming one’s self. I want to see you all strive and succeed. You are appreciated, I appreciate and love you all.