Come read & find out you can get your free money today!!!

I’m giving away free money, read below to find out how to get yours!!!

What’s stopping you from being where you want to be today? Bills? Your job? Well, that’s not true, because it is cash flow and an opportunity. If we break it down to the bare minimum, you sleep for 8 hours, work for 8 hours, commute for 2 hours, eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a combination of 2-3 hours, work out for 1 hour, and unwind for 1 hour, that still leaves an hour left in your day that can be going towards your business or your studies. Perspective and time management. Surely it isn’t having kids is what’s stopping you…that should be what is encouraging you. Even if you spend an hour a day on your business, within a month you would have work 30 hours on your business. Which, in comparison, is better than 0. Whatever objection you have to not be where you want to be, is your limit. That’s where you will stay and never grow past that, it’s you verse you. You don’t have time, you don’t have energy, blah blah blah…The main objection you hear a lot is, you just don’t have enough money. That is exactly why I’m about to tell you how to get free money, and no it’s not a loan, and you don’t have to pay it back. Do you know what I’m referring to? That’s right, grants. Why haven’t you applied for a grant? It’s too hard? You don’t know how? You don’t know where? Well, if you are ready to try, consider reading below, because I’m about to expose what the rich won’t tell you…

Grants: The Free Money You Didn’t Know You Needed!

A grant is a sum of money given by an organization, such as a government, foundation, or corporation, to an individual or business for a specific purpose, typically without requiring repayment. Grants are often awarded to support initiatives that align with the grantor's mission or objectives, such as fostering innovation, supporting small businesses, or funding community projects. Unlike loans, grants do not accrue interest or need to be paid back, making them an attractive source of funding.

Why You Need to Apply for Grants Today—No Excuses!

Applying for a grant can be a game-changer for your business or project. The biggest advantage is that grants provide non-repayable funds, meaning you don’t have to worry about paying back the money, which can significantly reduce your financial stress. Additionally, receiving a grant can enhance your credibility and visibility, attracting more opportunities and investors. However, the application process can be competitive and time-consuming, and not all grants will fit your specific needs. Despite these minor drawbacks, the potential benefits of free funding far outweigh the effort, making it an opportunity worth seizing.

 The Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Your Hands on That Free Cash!

1. Research: Identify grants that align with your business or project goals.

2. Read Guidelines Carefully: Understand the requirements and eligibility criteria for each grant.

3. Prepare Your Documents: Gather all necessary documentation, such as financial statements, business plans, and tax returns.

4. Write a Compelling Application: Tailor your application to the specific grant, emphasizing how your project aligns with the grantor’s objectives.

5. Submit Before the Deadline: Ensure all parts of your application are complete and submitted on time.

6. Follow Up: After submission, keep track of your application status and be prepared to provide additional information if requested.

Where to Find Grants—Stop Wasting Time and Go Straight to the Source!

To find grants, start by exploring government websites, such as Grants.gov for federal grants and your state’s official website for local opportunities. Private foundations like the Kauffman Foundation and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation often offer grants to entrepreneurs and small businesses. Additionally, corporate grant programs from companies like FedEx and Visa are designed to support startups and small businesses. Finally, online grant directories and databases, such as Foundation Center and GrantWatch, provide comprehensive lists of available grants across various sectors.

What You Need to Include in Your Grant Application to Win—No Fluff, Just Facts!

To increase your chances of being selected for a grant, your application should be concise, compelling, and tailored to the grantor’s goals. Include a clear description of your project or business, a detailed budget outlining how the funds will be used, and a strong justification for why your initiative deserves funding. Highlight the potential impact of your project, supported by data and testimonials if possible, and make sure your application is free of errors. Showing your passion, dedication, and alignment with the grantor’s mission can make your application stand out.

Top Grants You Can Apply for Today—Don’t Wait, Start Now!

Here are some active grants available right now:

1. Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program 

- Description: Provides funding for small businesses to engage in federal research and development with commercialization potential.

- Apply Here: SBIR.gov

2. Amber Grant for Women 

- Description: Monthly grant awarded to women entrepreneurs for business funding.

- Apply Here: Amber Grants

3. FedEx Small Business Grant Contest 

- Description: Annual contest that awards grants to small businesses for growth and development.

4. National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE) Growth Grants 

- Description: Provides micro-grants up to $4,000 for small business owners to expand or improve their business.

- Apply Here: NASE Growth Grants

  1. Nipsey Hussle Business Grant

  • Description: $100,000 invest fest pitch competition from August 23- August 25

  • Apply here: investfest.com

  1. Galaxy Grant

    • Description: $4,250 for female entrepreneurs. Deadline September 30th

    •  Apply here: galaxyofstars.org

  2. There are many more…hit me up for the full list!

The Ultimate Grant Application Template—Stop Guessing and Start Winning!

Here’s a universal template to get you started on your grant application:

[Your Name] 

[Your Business Name] 

[Your Address] 

[City, State, Zip] 

[Email Address] 

[Phone Number] 


[Grantor’s Name] 

[Grantor’s Title] 

[Organization Name] 

[Organization Address] 

[City, State, Zip] 

Subject: Grant Application for [Name of Grant]

Dear [Grantor’s Name],

I am writing to apply for the [Name of Grant] offered by [Organization Name]. As a [brief description of your business/organization], I am excited about the opportunity to [briefly state the purpose of the grant and what you aim to achieve].

Project Overview:

Provide a concise overview of your project or business and its objectives. Explain how your initiative aligns with the grantor’s mission.

Need for Funding:

Explain why you need the grant and how the funds will be used. Include a breakdown of your budget.

Expected Impact:

Describe the expected outcomes of your project and how it will make a positive impact. Use data or testimonials if available.


Thank the grantor for considering your application and express your enthusiasm for the potential partnership.


[Your Name] 

[Your Title] 

[Your Business Name]

By following these guidelines and using this template, you can create a powerful grant application that increases your chances of securing the funding you need to take your business or project to the next level. Don’t let fear or uncertainty hold you back—take action today!